The attractive natural colours of fresh fruit provide a stark contrast to artificial colours still widely used in products like confectionary.
Artichokes are not only delicious on the dinner table but their leaves can provide a valuable source of bioactive compounds.
Balancing the health benefits of fish consumption with risks from ingestion of environmental contaminants is a challenge
Research has found a possible link between certain artificial colours used in food and problems with hyperactivity in children.
The use PCR is an important tool in authenticity testing employed also to distinguish different sources of gelatin.
Suprising that ethylene oxide residues in sesame seed can survive high temperatures during baking and be present in simit.
Sun-drying still provides a slow and traditional approach to food preservation maintaining valued colour and flavours.
Hugely pleasing to buy loose foods from the open market avoiding the need for extensive plastic supermarket packaging.
Pistachios are a high-risk commodity for aflatoxin exposure as screening of the kernels is difficult when consumed as preferred in-shell.
Liquid-liquid extraction remains critical stage in food analysis whether for additives such as food colours or contaminants.
Some traditional tools of the alchemist are still employed in modern analytical food testing laboratories.
Economic fraud in the honey sector has for more than 50 years been a challenge for food chemists developing tests for authenticity and adulteration.
Occurrence of pesticide residues in vegetables exceeding MRLs is generally very low but is still seen as a high risk by consumers.
Immunoaffinity columns have revolutionised the analysis of mycotoxins in foods providing hugely efficient and effective clean-up.
Food Safety

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